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Venlafaxine er cheap. For a while. One day it might be available. If the drug's maker, Bristol-Myers Squibb, decided it was ready for prime time, prices should fall. But until now the company has been coy, as it in the past for similar products. As of November 9, the average price of mirtazapine in the United States stood at $4,250 for 20 milligrams per day, according to Merck's website. For a 20-fold higher dose—60 milligrams—the price was $14,050. On a generic form available to patients that costs less than $1.70 per dose or 30 cents tablet, the price jumps to over $14,000 a month. Advertisement While a generic copy will likely be cheaper than the branded version in future, fact that it is more than double the price of those drugs in the first place might prompt questions about the wisdom of spending such money to treat a very rare condition. "The pricing is beyond reason," says Steven B. Kopecky, a psychiatrist in Lexington, Mass. This seems to be the case not only for mirtazapine but also other reboxetine and citalopram antidepressant drugs. the price of other drugs for treating depression is still high, based on a comparison of prices all the drugs in this group using data from the National Cancer Institute's website. "It's absurd that this is the only group getting a better Xenical orlistat generico 120mg price," says Kopecky. "People are going to wonder, How many people are we treating? How much can spend?" The reason prices of reboxetine and citalopram drugs are so high is that the companies make them have taken measures such as requiring that only the branded version of each drug be sold Venlafaxine 120 100mg - $515 Per pill when they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), then raising the price of generic. As part these measures, the drug companies have also raised their marketing rates to attract more patients. Advertisement Kopecky, who has a specialty in bipolar disorder, finds it hard to understand why the price of these drugs, if there is anything to be learned from them, hasn't decreased more over the years, as reboxetine's is on the rise. "This just another example of a company, if it doesn't want you taking it, price controls it out of the market," he says. This may be due to the way reboxetine works. drugs block the reuptake of serotonin, a brain chemical, during manic phase, which is sometimes experienced as a bad trip. Patients tend to have the same mood swings that they experience during a full-blown manic episode, which means that the drugs must be combined with a psychiatrist. However, studies have shown that there can be a big difference Voltex wing uk in people's responses to the drug compared with some other therapies. "That's just not a real well-established fact for drug that makes your brain work," says Kopecky. (The FDA did not respond to repeated inquiries from Slate about reboxetine's efficacy in the context of treatment.) While price for some patients may be justified—the drugs are relatively new and have a small number of patients—Kopecky says "the whole thing just seems ridiculous because it's based on an arbitrary idea of what the drug can bring and how much money it can make for the company." Bristol-Myers shares have fallen about 25 percent since the company announced its intent to start charging for Reboxetine in October 2012. Kopecky says that, although it's not clear how much money the company will make off reboxetine, he expects that it will have a lower profit margin with higher.

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