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Tamoxifen 20 mg tabletten ). However, the combination of two agents is usually not recommended by endocrinologists or gynecologists in general as the side effects of tamoxifen can be difficult to avoid (see above for more information). If you do not wish to take Tamoxifen after the first cycle, you may be able to use a reduced dosage of either Tamoxifen or Cytotec. Many clinics offer Tamoxifen only reduced dosage to make sure you can use it every cycle. If you have been prescribed Tamoxifen, your doctor will explain how far you can go with reduced doses and how long it takes each cycle. If you intend to go back on your Tamoxifen at the end of every cycle, your doctor may prescribe a "prescribable" dose before you go off Tamoxifen that will make your cycle last longer. Check with your doctor or clinic. Tavarish. A more recent drug to the list, but still, some women find it to be a very effective treatment for PMS (if you can tolerate it). The most common side effect with Tamarish is hot flashes (it's more likely that your cycle will last longer than it would if you were not on it; however, this is just a side effect sometimes). This drug takes a lot longer to work than Tamoxifen and is not considered a standard drug; you may need to stay on it for longer periods of time. Some gynecologists think that you may have a higher chance of not being able to stay on Tavarish for long periods during your cycle when you are using regular hormonal contraception (this is just a recommendation from your doctor and is not a fact)! You can take Tavarish as often you like. It should take effect 1 or 2 days after you take it. If do not feel like taking it, it is possible to try and wait for it to take effect. Most Gynecologists won't prescribe more Tamoxifen than you take Tavarish and may just suggest you take it in the morning rather than at night. A more recent drug to the list, but still, some women find it to be a very effective treatment for PMS (if you can tolerate it). Phenytoin. A very large group of women will use pessary, this is