Weight loss pills lexapro (Lexapro) have been associated with the sudden loss of a significant number deaths. In the United Kingdom, drug has prompted many concerns, with people claiming to have died suddenly because of the effects drug, according to Daily Mail. However, a closer examination of the drug has found that deaths actually tend to happen in the days after drugs have been taken – when patients may no longer have their symptoms. A major study that has tracked the drug's effects in over 7,600 people from the United Kingdom, UK has been studying the drug for 13 years. After examining all of the deaths people who took drug in the study, scientists have found that deaths occur at a rate of once in every 1 billion tablets of the drug that is taken. It was the initial deaths that created worry among people around the world, but study also found that overall, mortality rates in patients who take the drug are extremely low. study used the results of data gathered from 5.9 million drug prescriptions and found that patients who took the drug also experienced higher rates of cardiovascular death, infections such as hepatitis C, and drug-involved suicide attempts. "The real concern in the UK, and for that matter most countries around the world, is that we need to be really looking at the cumulative effect of all Sildenafil citrate 100mg uk these deaths," said Philip Cowley, a Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology at King's College London who led the study. In particular he said that the fact study is focusing lexapro one pill on people who have suicidal tendencies makes it difficult to tell whether the deaths were due to drug interactions, suicides, or causes that have nothing to do with medication. "If there're an unanticipated consequence in any patient t